Were you told you were at fault? Ticketed? Denied a claim?

You may still have a case. Our personal injury lawyers can help get to the truth of your accident.

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What if you were told the accident was your fault?

Accidents can be distressing. They usually leave us in a state of confusion and doubt. But what if you’ve been told that the accident was your fault? What if you’ve been ticketed for an accident? These situations can be disheartening. Dealing with the intricacies of negligence laws, insurance claims, and uncertain legal landscapes can be overwhelming.

Told You Were at Fault for Your Accident?

Being told that you were at fault is a frustrating ordeal. However, you must remember that initial assessments might not cover all the nuances of negligence laws. Law enforcement officers are not always equipped with specialized training to accurately determine fault in complex situations. Sometimes, this can lead to conclusions that may not accurately reflect the full legal context.

Ticketed for Your Accident?

It is aggravating to be issued a ticket. Receiving a ticket might seem like a definite statement of fault. However, it’s important to know that a ticket is not the ultimate verdict of liability. There are various aspects to consider when you’ve been ticketed after an accident.

Initial Assessment

Law enforcement officers usually make quick determinations at the scene of the accident. It’s true that their assessments are based on their observations and information available at the time. However, they might not have the chance to thoroughly investigate all the important details. The initial assessments might not capture the full context of the accident or the complexities of negligence laws.

Ticket vs. Liability

A ticket is a legal document indicating a violation of traffic laws or regulations. Remember that receiving a ticket doesn’t automatically make you legally liable. Negligence laws involve a deeper analysis of factors. These include duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages. These legal principles often require more comprehensive consideration than a simple traffic violation.

Initial assessments might not cover all the nuances of negligence laws.

Legal Process

After you receive a ticket, keep in mind that you have avenues to contest it. You can challenge the ticket in court. You can present your side of the story and any proof that might demonstrate a different perspective. This process lets you give a more detailed account of the accident. You may present any mitigating factors that might not have been apparent during the initial assessments.

Consulting Legal Professionals

Uncertain of your options? Seeking legal advice is a prudent step. An experienced attorney from GSAS Law (Spivak & Sakellariou) can assess the situation surrounding the accident. They can provide insights into the legal aspects of your situation and offer guidance on the best course of action.

Insurance Implication

Your insurance company might take the ticket into consideration when processing your claim. However, keep in mind that insurance companies also perform their own evaluation. Their evaluation might differ from the conclusion drawn by law enforcement. With the help of an attorney, you will understand how the ticket might affect your insurance claim.


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Claim Denied by Your Insurance Company?

Claim denials are a common occurrence. It’s usually a part of operating procedures for an insurance company. If your insurance claim has been denied, there are a variety of possible reasons.

Possible Reasons for Denial

Policy Exclusion: Insurance policies come with specific terms and conditions. These terms outline what is covered and what is not. Your claim might be denied if the incident falls under an exclusion stated in your policy. Review your policy carefully to understand any limitations.

Lack of Coverage: Sometimes, your claim involves a type of incident that might not be covered by your policy. Make sure you understand the scope of your coverage.

Late Reporting: Insurance companies often require prompt reporting of incidents. Failing to report the incident within the specified timeframe could lead to claim denial.

Pre-existing Damage: If your claim involves damage that existed before the accident, the insurance company might deny coverage for pre-existing issues.

Insufficient Documentation: Claims require documentation to support the incident and its resulting damages. If your documentation is incomplete, unclear, or inconsistent, the insurance company might deny the claim.

Misrepresentation: Giving inaccurate information on your claim could cause a denial. Be truthful and accurate when describing the incident.

Policy Lapses: If your insurance policy was not in force at the time of the accident due to missed premium payments or policy expiration, the claim could be denied.

Understanding Your Policy

Insurance Policies can be complicated to understand. It’s important that you understand your policy and what it covers. Sometimes, claims are denied because of a misunderstanding of the policy terms. Review your policy thoroughly. If needed, seek help from someone with legal experience who can help you understand all the legal jargon involved.

Appealing the Denial

Just because your claim was denied by insurance doesn’t mean the process is over. Many insurance companies offer an appeal process that allows you to contest their decision. This involves submitting additional documentation, evidence, and any information that supports your claim. Working with a legal professional can help you build a compelling appeal.

Consulting GSAS Law (Spivak & Sakellariou) can provide valuable insights when dealing with denied claims. They understand the intricacies of insurance policies, legal requirements, and the negotiation process. They advocate your rights and navigate to encourage the insurance company to reconsider their denial.

Insurance companies are profit-driven entities. Their goal is to mitigate costs, and this involves denying claims. Then again, denial doesn’t mean it’s the end. For insurance companies denying claims is a normal part of the process. Your recourse lies in understanding the details of your policy and in getting support to appeal the initial insurance company decision.

Just because your claim was denied by insurance doesn’t mean the process is over.

Not Sure if You Have a Case?

Uncertainty can be overwhelming after an incident. This is especially the case when you’re unsure if you were at fault or not. This is why it is important to approach the situation with a clear understanding of your circumstances. Here are some key considerations to help you navigate this uncertainty responsibly and ethically:

Evaluate the Incident

Take a step back and assess the incident from an objective standpoint. What happened? Were there any contributing factors that might have influenced the outcome? Consider factors like road conditions, weather, traffic signals, and the actions of other parties involved.

Were You REALLY at Fault?

One of the main questions is whether you believe you were at fault for the accident. This self-assessment is important in determining the viability of a potential case. Remember that first impressions might not reflect the full legal context. Negligence laws are complex and take many factors into account.

Dealing with Overwhelm

It’s common to feel overwhelmed by the legal process. Remember that seeking professional guidance can alleviate the burden. An experienced attorney can navigate the complexities on your behalf, letting you focus on your recovery and well-being.

How Can We Help?

The services offered by GSAS Law (Spivak & Sakellariou) support you during these times of uncertainty. Here are some ways that we can help:

Independent Investigation

We delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding your accident. We uncover details that may have been missed in the initial assessment.

Understanding State-Specific Laws

Negligence laws vary by state. GSAS Law (Spivak & Sakellariou) provide insights into the nuances of Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania’s legal frameworks.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

We engage with insurance companies on your behalf, advocating for a fair resolution based on a comprehensive understanding of the incident.

Filing Personal Injury Lawsuits

If necessary, we can help you file a personal injury lawsuit.

Having your claim denied by your insurance company is undeniably disheartening. However, it’s important to approach the situation with a clear understanding of the insurance industry’s dynamics. Keep in mind that claim denials are common. They don’t necessarily indicate the lack of a valid case. By familiarizing yourself with your policy, gathering strong evidence, and exploring avenues for appeal or negotiation, you can work towards a resolution that aligns with your rights and needs. Seeking guidance from lawyers at GSAS Law (Spivak & Sakellariou) ensures that you are equipped with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of an accident claim responsibly and ethically.